Jun 14, 2018

The sign and walkway leading up to the Monona community and convention center.Monona Terrace is located along the shores of Lake Monona in downtown Madison, Wisconsin. The convention center has huge, floor-to-ceiling glass windows that face the lake, which means any events that take place have one of the most stunning backdrops in the entire city.

As summer begins, you can bet that Monona Terrace is planning some exciting upcoming events to keep you busy.

Festival Foods Shake the Lake

The Festival Foods Shake the Lake is a party that will take place on June 23 at Monona Terrace. It’s the perfect way to start the summer and, weather-permitting will actually be on the rooftop of the convention center. Tickets are on sale now and are $17 until June 22. If you purchase after June 22, the tickets will be $20.

There will be music and entertainment by iHeart Radio and local restaurants will set up stalls selling their top menu items alongside craft beer, wine, and soft drinks.

Mindful Movement

Mindful Movement is an ongoing, bi-weekly yoga event that takes place on the rooftop at Monona Terrace. There’s nothing more relaxing than practicing yoga while you face Lake Monona and feel the cool breeze off the water.

This stand-up yoga class takes place every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 to 12:45 p.m. The class integrates classic yoga moves with tai chi, stretching, and simple twists, and finishes with helpful meditation techniques.

Concerts on the Rooftop

This June and July, enjoy weekly concerts on the rooftop of Monona Terrace. The upcoming dates for the concerts are June 28, July 5, July 12, and July 19. Admission to the event is completely free, but you do need to get your tickets reserved in advance. Some of the acts you can expect to see are BritBeat, a Beatles tribute band, The Jimmy’s, a Chicago blues band, and Totally Neon, an 80’s cover band.

The concerts run from 7-9 p.m., but doors and bars open at 5:30, so you can come and enjoy the atmosphere and watch the sunset with your friends before all of the music begins. Unfortunately, if it rains, the concerts will not take place.

BrickUnivserse Lego Fan Experience

The BrickUniverse Lego Fan Experience is a two-day event that will take place on June 30 and July 1 at the Monona Terrace convention center. The event is open to the public. Tickets are sold on a half-day basis. You can either opt for the morning or afternoon session for each of the days. The morning sessions run from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the afternoon sessions run from 2-5 p.m. Half-day tickets cost $15.

The event will be fun for both children and adults. There are special guests and character meet and greets, there are Lego zones where you can attempt to build various landmarks. There are also model galleries where you can see what the professionals are capable of building.

Whether you’re interested in music, food, games, or even yoga and meditation, you’ll find something to keep you busy this summer at Monona Terrace.



Monona Terrace Sign and Walkway” via Flickr by Eric Kilby. Used with permission via CC BY-SA 2.0 / cropped from original